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Luiz Menezes Falcão – Cardiologista



Carreira Profissional

Department of Internal Medicine Consultant, University Hospital Santa Maria/CHULN (until August 5th 2022)
MD, PhD, Cardiologist and Internal Medicine Consultant, University Hospital Santa Maria, Lisbon, Portugal
Clinical Professor, Lisbon University Medical School, Lisbon, Portugal (since 2004 – ).
MD-Lisbon University Medical School in 1977.
PhD in Cardiology – Lisbon University Medical School in 2003. (Doctoral thesis on heart failure with left ventricular systolic dysfunction).
Internal Medicine Internship in the University Hospital Santa Maria, Lisbon
Cardiology Internship in the University Hospital Santa Maria and Hospital Santa Cruz, Lisbon.
Clinical training in Paris, France; London and Oxford, United Kingdom; and Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Internal Medicine Consultant and cardiologist of the Internal Medicine I Department (Several years as Head of
Sector C and afterwards of Sector D) of the University Hospital Santa Maria, Lisbon, Portugal
Occupational health degree from the Portuguese School of Public Health.
Lecturer of the Lisbon NOVA Medical School and of the Lisbon University Medical School (1977-2003).
Clinical Professor, Lisbon University Medical School, Lisbon, Portugal (since April 2004 -). Teaching professor in the master degree of Metabolic Disorders and Eating Behaviour (Heart Failure and Stroke).
Supervisor of student for the Master degree and for the PhD degree in Internal Medicine (Heart Failure).
Member of the Doctoral Examination Jury of PhD students in Portugal and abroad.
Head of staff of Medical Emergency Team of the University Hospital Santa Maria since July 1998 until March 2014.
Clinical cardiologist of the Medical Emergency Team of the University Hospital Santa Maria since July 1990 until March the 31th 2014.
Resident cardiologist of Cardiology Intensive Care Unit (UTIC), University Hospital Santa Maria, Lisbon since
1987 until 2005.
Responsible for transthoracic echocardiography exams in the Internal Medicine I sector C Department of the HSM
since June 1990 until July 2015 and in the sector D since July 2015 until October 2020.
Outpatients clinic of Hypertension (and Heart Failure) attending physician in the HSM since January 1999 until
August 5th 2022
Cardiologist of the IASFA (Non invasive cardiology – Outpatients consultation, EGG, Doppler echocardiography,
24H ECG Holter monitoring) – since June 1990 until December 2020.
European Cardiologist of the European Society of Cardiology (since 2000)
Clinical Hypertension specialist of the European Society of Hypertension (Since 2001)
Member of the Medical College of Cardiology of the Portuguese Medical Association.
Member of the Medical College of Internal Medicine of the Portuguese Medical Association.
Member of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology (SPC).
Member of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
Member of the Portuguese Association of Internal Medicine.
Author of more than 190 presentations (either oral or in poster) in national scientific meetings or within the framework of his teaching activity in the Lisbon University Medical School
Author of 90 presentations in international scientific meetings, 30 of them as first author.
Author of 146 papers in national and international medical journals and books, around 30 as first author.From them, author of 122 papers in peer-reviewed journals and books.
Editor of two medical books on heart failure, one of them in English (Current Diagnosis and Treatment In Heart Failure). This latter was in co-edition with Prof. Peter van Zwieten.Academic Medical Center.University of Amsterdam.The Netherlands
Editor of one book on clinical diagnosis and treatment of hypertension.
Awarded the BIAL prize of Clinical Medicine 1994 as co-author of “Arterial Hypertension in the elderly”.
Member of the Centro Cardiovascular da Universidade de Lisboa (CCUL) since July 1998.
Associate member of the Instituto de Saúde Ambiental (ISAMB).University of Lisbon since December 2013.
Head of Working Group on Cardiology and Heart Failure. Bento da Rocha Cabral Scientific Institute. Lisbon.
Member of the Scientific Council of the Journal of Internal Medicine “Minerva” (from 2009 until 2012).
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Cardiology and Therapy (ISSN 2309-6861)
Reviewer for the International Journal of Cardiology; Journal of Cardiology and Therapy; Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy; Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics; JSM Clinical and Medical Imaging; PLOS (Public Library of Science) one; Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo; Revista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia; Revista Medicina Interna da Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Interna; Acta Medica Portuguesa; Acta Medica Academica.
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