General Surgery is the specialty from which the other surgical specialties derive (Urology, Orthopedics, Plastic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, among others).
Its aim is to diagnose and treat pathologies that may require surgical intervention.
The main pathologies dealt with in general surgery are:
- venous veins of the lower limbs – Varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, telangiectasia;
- Benign or malignant skin – Sebaceous cysts, lipomas, papillomas, nevus (moles), skin carcinomas or lesions suspected of malignancy, burns, pressure ulcers;
- Upper digestive tract – Jaundice, gallbladder and bile duct lithiasis, pancreatitis, pancreatic and liver tumors, hepatic hydatid cyst, gastric tumors;
- the lower digestive tract – tumors of the small and large intestine, tumors of the anus, diverticula of the colon;
- Coloproctology – Internal hemorrhoids, anal fissures, anal fistula, sinus pilonidalis, rectal prolapse, fecal incontinence, chronic constipation, difficulty defecating, anal pain, anal or rectal polyps;
- abdominal wall – inguinal, crural and ventral hernias, incisional hernia – eventrations.